
About Me

My name is Raissa and if you’re reading this you’re probably into this island girl’s way of thinking.  
I grew up with the sounds of crashing waves as my lullaby and the white beaches as my playground. My passion for exploring in-depth about different cultures initiated while I started studying abroad. Trust me when I say, the grass is never greener on the other side, or in my case the sand is never whiter on the other side. OK, back to my affair with culture! So I left Seychelles to study Mass Comm in Mauritius and during my studies I learned a lot about society, most importantly their way of functioning. Since I’m very much obsess with pop culture and fashion I decided to immerse my love for both into understanding society’s way of living.

My goal is to help you make sense of the world but in a modern semi-academic playful way.

The blog name ‘The Coconut’ is a representation of my lifestyle, to live in paradise and where I come from. In creole Seychellois we have this term “Ou koko latet I dir” which translates to someone that doesn’t use their mind really well to comprehend things. Hence the coconut is a little slang for the ‘head’. And since I want to speak my mind, this term ‘coconut = mind’ fits perfectly.

Think outside of the box!

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